Entries by Carla


Josie’s Organics, Fresh Thyme Baby Spinach Linked to E. coli Outbreak

Josie’s Organics and Fresh Thyme baby spinach have been linked to an E. coli outbreak that has sickened 10 people in seven states, according to state and federal health officials.  Both of these brands are produced by Braga Fresh of Salinas, California. Two people have been hospitalized. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) […]

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Can You Get Salmonella from Onions?

Yes, you can get Salmonella from onions. In fact, onions are frequently contaminated with Salmonella.  Since 2009, the have been 11 Salmonella outbreaks linked to onions, two of them have occurred during the last 15 months. In most onion Salmonella outbreaks, a significant number of illnesses are linked to restaurant food. Symptoms of a Salmonella infection […]

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Most Salami Stick Salmonella Outbreak Patients are Children

Almost 80 percent of the people sickened in the salami stick Salmonella outbreak are children, with an average age of 7, according to the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The outbreak linked to Citterio brand Premium Italian-Style Salame Sticks sold at Trader Joe’s and Wegmans stores was announced by the […]

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Salmonella Recall for Citterio Salami Sticks

Citterio salami sticks sold at Trader Joe’s and Wegmans are being recalled in connection with a Salmonella outbreak. Consumers who have purchased these products should not eat them. The salami stick Salmonella outbreak has sickened 31 people in 10 states. Six people have been hospitalized. Through epidemiologic and traceback investigations, public health officials identified Citterio […]


Hardie’s Crab Meat is Source of Salmonella Outbreak

Hardie’s Crabmeat has been identified as the source of a  Salmonella outbreak, according to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. The Hardie’s crab meat Salmonella outbreak includes five illnesses in Maine and New Hampshire. Two people have been hospitalized. Hardie’s Crabmeat in Deer Isle, Maine produced the implicated crab meat which was sold […]


Green Giant Onions Recalled for Salmonella Risk

Green Giant onions are being recalled for potential Salmonella risk in connection with a multistate onion Salmonella outbreak. Potandon Produce L.L.C. of Idaho Falls, Idaho issued the recall for Green Giant Fresh whole yellow onions because one of its onion suppliers, ProSource Produce LLC of Hailey, Idaho, issued an onion recall.   Green Giant Onion […]


Onion Salmonella Recall Includes Some EveryPlate Meals

A major onion recall liked to a Salmonella outbreak includes some EveryPlate meals. EveryPlate is owned by HelloFresh and both companies use ProSource Produce LLC of Hailey, Idaho as a supplier. ProSource has issued an onion recall. The EveryPlate recall includes onions in meal kits produced from July 7, 2021, to September 8, 2021. Meal […]


Onion Salmonella Recall Includes Some HelloFresh Meals

A major onion recall linked to a Salmonella outbreak includes some HelloFresh meals. HelloFresh has issued a recall for some meals containing onions because ProSource, which has issued an onion recall,  is one of its suppliers. The recall includes all onions in meal kits produced from July 7, 2021, to September 8, 2021. Meal kits […]


Keeler Family Farms Onion Salmonella Recall

Keeler Family Farms of Deming NM has issued an onion Salmonella recall in connection with a multistate outbreak. The recall includes red, yellow, and white onions shipped to Keeler from a supplier in Chihuahua, MX from July 1, 2021, through August 25, 2021. Keller distributed the onions to wholesalers, restaurants, and retail stores in all […]


ProSource Onion Salmonella Recall

ProSource Produce LLC of Hailey, Idaho has issued an onion Salmonella recall in connection with a multistate outbreak. The recalled red, yellow, and white onions were sold under the brand names Big Bull, Peak Fresh Produce, Sierra Madre, Markon First Crop., Markon Essentials, Rio Blue, ProSource, Rio Valley, and Sysco Imperial. These onions should not […]


BrightFarms Salad Salmonella Outbreaks Ends

A Salmonella outbreak linked to BrightFarms prepackaged salad ended after sickening 31 people in four states, according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC). Four of the patients were so sick they required hospitalization. Since the CDC’s last update, the outbreak expanded to include 20 more illnesses in one more state. The four states reporting illnesses […]


Mystery Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 20 in Minnesota

Twenty people in Minnesota are part of a 35-state mystery Salmonella outbreak, according to the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Some patients reported eating Mexican-style restaurant food containing onions, peppers, cilantro, and lime before they became ill. And the CDC found the outbreak strain in a restaurant condiment cup […]