
Gibson E. coli recall

E. coli Recall for Bulk Organic Walnuts sold at Whole Foods...

An E. coli outbreak has triggered a recall for organic walnuts sold in bulk at Whole Foods, New Seasons Market, and other natural food stores and co-ops. Consumers who have recently purchased bulk walnuts should check recall information carefully. On…
Bulk Organic Walnut E. coli Outbreak

E. coli Outbreak Linked to Bulk Walnuts

An E. coli outbreak has been linked to bulk organic walnuts sold at Whole Foods, New Seasons, and other natural food stores and co-ops. Seven of the 12 people sickened have been hospitalized, two of them with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS),…
greater omaha E.coli

Ground Beef E. coli Alert Incudes Hannaford Stores

A ground beef E. coli alert includes Hannaford stores. On April 20, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS) issued a public health alert for ground beef that may be contained with E. coli O157:H7 …
28 months since last outbreak
Raw Farm Raw Cheddar E. coli

E. coli in Raw Farm Cheddar Leaves Two with HUS Kidney Failure

An E. coli outbreak linked to unpasteurized Raw Farm cheddar now includes two cases of HUS kidney failure. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS), a form of kidney failure, is a complication that affects about seven percent of E. coli patients. HUS…
Miguel's E.coli

Miguel's E. coli Outbreak Turns Deadly

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One person sickened in the E. coli outbreak linked to Miguel's Cucina 4S Ranch in San Diego has died. John Christ Ferber, 87,  of San Diego, passed away on October 26. The outbreak has sickened 35 people ranging in age from 6 to 87 years…
Campylobacter lawyer- child drinking raw milk
Dave's Sushi morel mushrooms

E. coli Outbreak at University of Arkansas

Four people have been hospitalized in an E.  coli outbreak at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.  Some of them are battling a potentially fatal form of kidney failure associated with E. coli infections called hemolytic uremic syndrome…
E. coli ground beef public health alert

E. coli Alert for Carne Molida/Ground Beef Sold at La Michoacana

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS) has issued a public health alert for carne molida/ground beef sold at La Michoacana Meat Market, in Greenville, Texas because it may be contaminated with E.…
FDA final report on falafel E. coli outbreak.

Did Falafel E. coli Outbreak Include a Death? FDA, CDC Disagree

An E. coli outbreak linked to Earth Grown falafel ended this week with 24 illnesses and five hospitalizations, according to the FDA and the CDC. But the final reports from the agencies differ on a key point. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration…
Ground beef E. coli

USDA Beef E. coli Public Health Alerts Hit 10-Year High

So far this year, the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has issued four public health alerts for ground beef contaminated with E. coli, the highest number since 2012 when it issued five. Generally, USDA FSIS issues a public health…
cdc map of falafel e. coli outbreak

Michigan Falafel E. coli Illnesses Account for Half of Outbreak Total

More than half of all the people sickened in the six-state E. coli outbreak linked to Earth Grown falafel live in Michigan. Eleven of the 20 people who developed E. coli infections after purchasing the frozen falafel from ALDI stores are from…