Groud beef E. coli recall

Recalled Ground Beef Sold at Fresh Thyme, PriceRite, Earth Fare, More

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Ground beef recalled for potential E. coli O103 contamination was sold at Walmart, Weis, Winn Dixie, PriceRite, Fresh Thyme, Earth Fare, Food City, Food Universe, Giant Eagle, Grocery Bargain, Grocery Outlet, Key Food Marketplace, ShopRite…
Salmonella, ground beef

E. coli Recall - Is the Ground Beef in Your Freezer Included?

Ground beef sold at Kroger, Walmart, Winn Dixie, Weis, and other stores may be contaminated with E. coli.  USDA officials are concerned that some consumers may still have these products in their freezers. Here's what you should know. Kroger…
USDA first quarter recalls

First Quarter Includes Listeria and E. coli Meat and Poultry Recalls

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During the first quarter of 2022, 14 recalls and public health alerts were issued for meat and poultry products, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA FSIS). As usual, most of the recalls,…
Magnification of E. coli bacteria

Children in Northeastern Alabama Sick with E. coli, Rotavirus

Alabama health officials are investigating six illnesses reported among young children in Northeastern Alabama. Four children have developed E. coli O157:H7 infections and two of them were sickened by Rotavirus. Rotavirus and E. coli…
Bagged salad outbreak image from CDC

9 Recent Food Poisoning Outbreaks Linked to Prepackaged Salad

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Prepackaged salads made by Dole, Fresh Express, Simple Truth, Josie's Organics, and Bright Farms have been linked to nine outbreaks since 2019. The implicated salads were contaminated with a variety of pathogens including E. coli, Salmonella,…
Fresh Express Listeria Recall

Four Ongoing Outbreaks Linked to Packaged Salads- 2 E. coli, 2 Listeria

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There are four ongoing food poisoning outbreaks linked to packaged salads right now, two for E. coli and two for Listeria. Among pregnant women, Listeria can cause miscarriages and stillbirths even if the mother only experiences mild symptoms. Consumers…
Simple Trurth Nature's Basket Power Greens E. coli Outbreak

Organic Power Greens E. coli Outbreak

An organic power greens E. coli outbreak linked to Simple Truth and Nature’s Basket prepackaged salads has sickened 13 people in six states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Four people have been hospitalized.…
CDC map of Josie's Organics Baby Spinach E. coli Outbrea

2 Hospitalized in Spinach E. coli Outbreak

Two people have been hospitalized in the E. coli outbreak linked to Josie’s Organics baby spinach. The E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, which includes patients ranging in age from 2 to 71 years old, has sickened 10 people in seven states, according…
Josie's organics spinach

MN E. coli Outbreak Linked to Spinach Sold at Fresh Thyme, Hy-Vee

Minnesotans sickened in a spinach E. coli outbreak purchased Josie's Organics brand at a Hy-Vee store and Fresh Thyme brand at a Fresh Thyme store. Both brands are made by Braga Fresh of Salinas, CA. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture…
CDC map of Josie's Organics Baby Spinach E. coli Outbrea

Josie's Organics, Fresh Thyme Baby Spinach Linked to E. coli Outbreak

Josie's Organics and Fresh Thyme baby spinach have been linked to an E. coli outbreak that has sickened 10 people in seven states, according to state and federal health officials.  Both of these brands are produced by Braga Fresh of Salinas,…
Cake batter in a bowl

21 Recalls in 3 Years for E. coli and Salmonella in Flour and Cake Mix

As a cake mix E. coli outbreak unfolds, some consumers are wondering how common is bacterial contamination of cake mix and flour? An examination of recalls posted on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) website reveals that since…
E. coli lawyer - yogurt in a bowl

Organic Yogurt E. coli Outbreak Expands- 15 Cases Confirmed

An E. coli outbreak linked to organic yogurt sold under the brand names PCC and Pure Eire has expanded to include 15 cases, according to the latest information from the Washington Department of Health. Nine of the people sickened in this outbreak…