Possible Cyclospora contamination has prompted a recall of organic basil for sold under the brand names That’s Tasty and Simple Truth. Shenandoah Growers Inc. of Harrisonburg, VA issued the recall for 3240 units of branded fresh-cut, organic basil sold in clear plastic, clamshell containers after being notified by the FDA that a sample of the product, grown in Columbia, has tested positive for Cyclospora.
Consumers who have purchased this product shout not eat it as the parasite Cyclospora can cause serious illness. Symptoms of an infection, called cyclosporiasis, include severe abdominal pain, frequent bouts of diarrhea that can be watery and explosive, nausea and vomiting, body aches and fatigue.
The recalled product was packed at the company’s facility in Indianapolis and has the following lot codes: PV40515 1034, PV40515 3034, PV40515 4034, PV40515 3035
They were sold on February 3 and 4 at Kroger and other grocery stores in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. At the time of the recall, the company was not aware of any illnesses.