A Vibrio outbreak linked to raw oysters has sickened 12 people in California. The oysters, which were harvested from Estero El Cardon in Baja California Sur, Mexico, were contaminated with Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio albensis, Shigella, norovirus and E. coli.

Raw oysters restaurant

The illnesses were reported from four counties in California: Los Angeles, Orange, Santa Barbara and San Diego during February, March and April. Some of the case-patients bought oysters at grorcery stores and prepared them at home. Some ate them at restaurants.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio albensis

Vibrio bacteria live in warm, coastal waters and are found in high concentrations there during the summer months. There are a number of Vibrio species including Vibrio vulnificus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio cholerae (cholera) and Vibrio albensis.

Eating food contaminated with Vibrio can cause an infection called vibriosis which can cause serious illness and death. Vibrio vulnificus causes the most serious cases of vibriosis. About half of all infections from Vibrio vulnificus are fatal. Those most at risk are people over 65,  those with liver disease, cancer or compromised immune systems.

Symptoms of an infection from Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio albensis include abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. These symptoms, which usually develop within 24 hours of exposure,  last about three days.

The Vibrio attorneys at Pritzker Hageman represent people sickened by Vibrio and families who have suffered the wrongful death of a loved one from vibriosis. If you have been sickened by contaminated oysters asscociated with thus outbreak, contact our Vibrio Team for a free consultation. Call 1(888) 377-8900 (toll-free), send a text to 612-261-0856 or use the form below and put our experienced lawyers to work for you. The consultation is free and there is no obligation.